
"Fantasy and reality often overlap"– Walt Disney

Where the Wild Things Are

So I was looking through my old posts and realized how much more eloquent I was during the summer, and even on my old old old xanga blog.  So I decided to attempt another movie review, to rekindle my ability to write.  I`ve actually seen two or three movies ever since school started, but this is probably the most interesting one.  So here goes, a review of  Where the Wild Things Are

Please do not read my thoughts unless you go see the movie first!  I believe this is one of those films that hit or miss, and your opinion can probably be heavily swayed by expectation.  So watch it for yourself first!

To put it out there, I did enjoy seeing the movie and I`m glad I saw it.  I might be overcritical below, but it’s only because I think the movie has potential to be AWESOME… but it just fell short.

So we all know Where the Wild Things Are, the book in which little Max is sent to his room without dinner for misbehaving, and he is whisked away by his imagination to a wonderous world of wild beasts, craziness, and adventure–a little boy’s fantasy world. In this movie version, Max is also a misunderstood little boy, but his imagination doesn’t take flight in his room, but on his runaway away from home.  Herein lies the first hiccup in the movie… why in the world did his mother stop chasing him?  And why didn’t anyone come after him?!  Why weren’t there any consequences at the end for his running away, biting his mother and tantrums?  The first major issue I had with this movie was how unrealistic it was.  And I don’t mean in the majority of the movie that focused on his imagination, but in the bookending beginning and end that were supposed to bring the lessons of the movie back to real life. Without a believable backdrop plot to ground the film in reality, I had a hard time understanding the deeper messages the director tried to convey.  I mean at least in the book the little boy is trying to deal with his punishment.  In the movie, I have no point of reference for his fantastical projections of anger.

The more prominent issue lies in the depiction of this fantasy world.  Max sails to Where the Wild Things Are and meets monsters/beasts that reflect various depressing facets of his own personality.  There is the misunderstood one, the one that is never heard, the really angry guy that can’t control his emotions, the one that talks really rudely, etc etc… One reviewer on Rotten Tomatoes said that it was like the Seven Dwarves on Prozac and I couldn’t agree more.  Sounds awful?  Yea… it was pretty depressing.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean it had to be ridiculous.  Unfortunately, it was just not executed well!  Had the dialogue been better, or the conflicts better explained and developed, I probably would have appreciated the intentions of the director.  For example, when Max first enters this world, Carol (the really angry one) is destroying houses for some unknown reason.  Okay, I didn’t really get it so maybe I will get it later in the movie right?…. NOPE they never explained.  The next conflict starts only a few scenes later, and I am equally confused and left in the dark.  Then the next conflict, and the next.  Each one without explanation or rationality.  Maybe this was the point?  … I have no idea.  Also some of the verbal exchanges are kind of laughable. If you remember “THAT WAS MY FAVORITE ARM!” then you`ll know exactly what I`m talking about.

Overall, an alright effort, but a very dark representation of the beloved picture book.  I certainly was never bored nor looking at my watch, and I really appreciated that this book was made for the silver screen (really, I had been waiting for it to be done!) However, I don’t think it’s something I would take a child to.  For the rest of you, I would say it’s worth a watch at least to think about.  Especially the dark message (seven dwarves on prozac)… there is probably a valuable lesson in there.  I`ll think of it when I have time to think harder.

Thanks to the buddy I saw it with who shares many of these sentiments.

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Yep, apparently there will be a Shrek 4 in 2010.  The first one was fantastic… the second one was AWESOME (bought the soundtrack and obsessed over it for weeks)… and the third one was okay, I remember thinking it was slightly lame afterwards.  With the fourth one I`m sensing some downhill-ness, but who knows?

At least it’s not in musical form *shudder* (who thought THAT would be a good idea? yuck)

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